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Our center is operating virtually at this time and converting our typically

"in-person" seminars and events

to webinars. 

To view the webinars:

1. Select the webinar you would like to view from the list below.

2. If the webinar is a recording, sign in using your email and name so we can document viewer attendance at the aggregate level for our state and federal reporting requirements. (We won't add you to our email list, we promise!)  

3. Enjoy the webinar!

5. Email Assistant Director Angela Kuppersmith with questions

Webinars available as of 12/11/2020:

1. How to Start a Business in Illinois - A recorded copy of the monthly webinar from the 12/9/20 presentation

2. Digital Marketing Made Easy - A recorded copy of the live webinar on 12/1/20
3. Sexual Harassment Prevention: Training for Illinois Employers  - A recorded copy of the live webinar on 11/10/20
4. Business Class Texting - A recorded copy of the live webinar on 8/19/20

5. Navigating Business Recovery Post COVID-19 - A recorded copy of the live webinar on 4/30/20 

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